ARTSLIFE | Artissima 2023. 10 stand da vedere alla fiera dell’Oval Lingotto

As with any art fair, the first visit to Artissima, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, leaves a variety of sensations. Some exhilarating, others sometimes inadequate to expectations. This year the 'structural' novelty was the increased presence of international galleries. And the response of these exhibitors tended not to fully satisfy. With proposals that were not particularly strong, or convinced, far from the openness expected at these levels.

Click here to read the original article in Italian.

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GALLERYTALK.NET | Die Leere füllen | Mark Wallinger bei Fabian Lang

Mit „Arcadia“ zeigt die Zürcher Galerie Fabian Lang aktuelle Arbeiten von Mark Wallinger. Zu sehen sind Fotografien und Filmaufnahmen von London während der Pandemie 2020. Der gezeigte öffentliche Raum ist leer und verlassen. Den Galerieraum hingegen füllt Wallinger mit beweglichen Skulpturen. Sie drehen sich um die eigene Achse und lächeln den Besucher*innen von allen Seiten entgegen.

Den ganzen Artikel hier lesen.

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THE WICK│Spotlight Photographer Isabelle Young

Drawing upon the limits of a photographic capture, Young regards herself to be an ‘unreliable literary narrator’; an omnipresent character who observes and captures a moment in time and point of view – who saw what and when. The duo recently held an in conversation at Galerie Fabian Lang on Wardour Street on Young’s most recent body of works, ‘Stills’. Inspired by Italian neorealist cinema, these images casts buildings as the keeper of stories – where a sense of human experience lingers on the empty streets.

Read the full article here.

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WELT | Warum Zürich auf die Kunstlandkarte gehört

“Ein inhaltlich wie ästhetisch strenges, überzeugendes Konzept hat Idris Khan für seine 21-teilige Arbeit „After the Storm“ entwickelt, die Fabian Lang zeigt. Er hat die Palette von William Turners ikonischem Gemälde „Snowstorm, Avalanche and Thunderstorm“ separiert und abstrahierend quasi aufgeschlüsselt. Die bedrohliche Turbulenz des Originals ist einer Serie von melodischer Schwingung gewichen. Annie Morris, seine Frau, ist bekannt für ihre Kugelsäulen aus geschäumtem mit starkfarbiger Pigmenthaut verkleidetem Kunststoff, muntere Monumente der Äquilibristik mit Verweis auf die Flüchtigkeit und Instabilität der menschlichen Existenz.”

Den ganzen Artikel hier lesen.

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FELIX ART FAIR 2023 | ARTnews Article

Founded five years ago by collector Dean Valentine and dealers Al and Mills Morán, Felix L.A. has gained a reputation for being a more relaxed and intimate fair than Frieze L.A., which runs at the same time.

“The fair was always founded on the premise that there needed to be an art fair that was really about the art, in a low-pressure setting, or a fun setting, to take away some of that shopping mall feeling of the larger art fairs,” Valentine told ARTnews. “Our goal was never to be just another fair to have at the same time as Frieze. We wanted it to be an experience.”

Read the full article here.

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BALCONY ISSUE 3 | ‘Sunstroke and other stories’ | Christian Hidaka and Raphaël Zarka

Issue 3 of Balcony Magazine features the dialogue ‘Sunstroke and other stories’ of our artists Christian Hidaka and Raphaël Zarka. Read about their trip through the English countryside, while getting to know their thoughts on geometry, art history, and a shared curiosity about ancient forms.

Click here or the image for the pdf.

Photographs by Weston Colton, courtesy of balcony and Ben Fehrman-Lee.

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TOGGENBURGER JAHRBUCH 2023 | Kilian Rüthemann

Kilian Rüthemann is featured in the “Toggenburger Jahrbuch 2023”.
Since 2001, the " Toggenburger Jahrbuch" has been providing insights into a unique cultural and natural landscape. Thus, the 23rd edition is a reflection of the seemingly inexhaustible variety of historical, social and cultural topics in the Thur and Neckar valleys. (German version only)

Click here or the image for the pdf.

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HUFFINGTON POST | Tobias Bradford

“Behold, a mechanical tongue. This life-like organ, which even drools, is the (ahem) handiwork of one Tobias Bradford, a Swedish artist based in London. If you’re wondering where this rather stimulating bit of art can be viewed, it’s on display at the Design Museum in London, as part of its current exhibition on ASMR.”

Click here for the online version and the image for the pdf.

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