Artist Talk: Elena Alonso in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of the opening of Kind and Sharp at the Zurich Art Weekend (June 2024).


Artist Talk: Gigax and Cathrin Hoffmann in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of the group exhibition Creatures & Masks at the gallery (February 2024).


Artist Talk: Mark Wallinger in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of the exhibition Arcadia at the gallery (October 2023).

Artist Talk: Idris Khan and Annie Morris in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of the exhibition After the storm at the gallery (June 2023).

Artist Talk: Isabelle Young in conversation with Brandei Estes

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang, London, on the occasion of the exhibition Stills at the temporary exhibition space in 79 Wardour Street, Soho (July 2023).

Artist Talk: Sarah Dwyer in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of Dwyers’s first Continental Europe solo exhibition Off Kilter at the gallery (March 2023).

Zurich 1: Forum - Faszination Kunstsammlung

Am 4. März fand das Zurich 1: Forum “Faszination Kunstsammlung” statt, welches durch die Zurich 1 Galerien organisiert wurden. Das Forum gab Einblicke in die Leidenschaft, Tätigkeit und Bedeutung, die privaten und institutionellen Sammlungen zu Grunde liegen.

Artist Talk: Tahnee Lonsdale in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of Lonsdales’s first solo exhibition Our Humans at the gallery (November 2022).

Artist Talk: Isabelle Young in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of Young’s first solo exhibition “IN CAMERA” at the gallery.

Artist Talk: Johnny Izatt-Lowry in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of Izatt-Lowry’s first solo exhibition AROUND DUSK, OR THEREABOUTS at the gallery.


Artist Talk: Victor Seaward in conversation with Fabian Lang

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of Seaward’s first solo exhibition STILL LIFE at the gallery.


Take A Look Into The Unhooked A Star Exhibition Together With Artist Christian Hidaka at MNAC Bucharest.


Take a look into the Gnomonica exhibition with artist Raphaël Zarka at MNAC Bucharest.

RAPHAËL ZARKA: Les relations (sentimentales) des formes

A film directed by Stefan Cornic with Raphaël Zarka. A production of AM Art Films 2019.

Artist Talk: Jessie Makinson in conversation with Katy Hessel (@thegreatwomenartists)

Hosted by Galerie Fabian Lang on the occasion of the launch of Makinson's catalogue in 2020


Featuring a wide-ranging Zoom conversation between Fabian Lang and Mira Schor, this film presents rare image footage of and a unique look at Schor’s life and her 50-year practice and documents the lead up to her show HERE/THEN, THERE/NOW at Fabian Lang 11 September to 15 November 2020.

revert to type (virtual)


Watch the virtual rendition of revert to type - a two part exhibition. One developed on a virtual platform (here), and one at the gallery, using the same artworks as two different curatorial interpretations.


Jessie Makinson working on the wall drawing for NOBODY AXED YOU TO at Fabian Lang, 22 November 2019 - 25 January 2020


Round-view of Makinson’s show NOBODY AXED YOU TO at Fabian Lang, 22 November 2019 - 25 January 2020


Round-view of HAPTICS with Elena Alonso, Svenja Deininger and Artur Lescher at Fabian Lang, 28 September – 15 November 2019



Visual walkthrough of Elena Alonso’s show MEMBERS WITHOUT ORDER at Fabian Lang, 12 June September – 20 August 2020