BOLTON & QUINN | „Turner Prize-winning artist Mark Wallinger reveals groundbreaking artwork to mark success of campaign to stop Ocado opening polluting north London depot.“

Erica Bolton writes about Turner Prize-winning artist Mark Wallinger, who was invited to create a digital artwork as part of a major fundraising drive for the NOcado campaign to stop online retailer Ocado from opening a polluting warehouse next to a north London elementary school.

Read the full article by Erica Bolton here.

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DIE WELT | Die Kunst gehört auf die Strasse

In der Altstadt nahe dem Kunsthaus, das vor Kurzem von David Chipperfield erweitert wurde, sind die Häuser älter, die Galerien kleiner, Presenhuber und Kilchmann haben hier ebenfalls Räume, aber auch der junge Galerist Fabian Lang. Er präsentiert eine überzeugende Ausstellung von Elena Alonso: Grafische Malereien treffen auf flexible Lederskulpturen. Die Spanierin spielt mit Zitaten aus Design und Art déco, ihre Bilder sind geometrisch abstrakt – bis sie beim Betrachten dann plötzlich figürlich werden.

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ARTNET | Zurich Art Weekend Is Fostering Gallery Collaborations, Drawing Crowds

The stereotypical view of Zurich’s art scene is that it is straitlaced and business-centric. “That’s how I felt when I left 15 years ago,” said dealer Fabian Lang, who grew up in the Swiss city before moving to London, where he worked at Victoria Miro for nearly a decade and ran a project space in the Islington neighborhood. But Lang returned to his hometown in 2019 to start his own eponymous gallery and is part of a coterie of dealers that are energizing the city’s Old Town district. “It is so much more lively here now, and much more international,” he said.

Read the full article here.

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POINT DE VUE (FR) | En Suisse, chez Fabian Lang

In Switzerland, at Fabian Lang. For this native of Zurich, contemporary art is as much a passion as a profession. Minimalist, surrealist or figurative, he chooses to show everything in his gallery in the historic heart of the city, as long as the works contribute to our understanding of the world. For the upcoming Zurich Art Weekend, he opens the doors of his Zollikon flat to us.

Read the full article in French here.

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L’ECHO (BE) | Zurich Art Weekend 2024

In 2019, Fabian Lang opened his gallery in Kreis 1, the historic heart of Zurich. It was in 1916, two hundred metres away, at the Cabaret Voltaire, that the Dada movement was born. Over the past century, the scene has expanded to include the Kunsthaus Zürich (opened in 1910 on the outskirts of Kreis 1, the National Museum Zürich, and contemporary art institutions Luma Westbau and Kunsthalle Zürich.

Read the full article in French here.

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IL GIORNALE DELL’ARTE | La formula del Gallery Weekend

Zurich, on the other hand, like London, offers a supporting programme and up to 130 events in total, in which the Migros Museum and Kunsthalle Zürich are also involved. The participating galleries are outstanding: from Eva Presenhuber to Mai 36, from Hauser & Wirth to Karma International, from Tobias Mueller (former gallery director of Bruno Bischofberger) to Fabian Lang.

Read the whole article in Italian here.

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KUNSTBULLETIN | Creatures & Masks

Die Wirklichkeit ist allzu oft anstössig, brutal und ungerecht. Dabei lässt sich die Erfahrung der Gegenwart nur schwerlich fassen. Das Werdende entzieht sich der menschlichen Wahrnehmung. Zusammenhänge bleiben für das blosse Auge verschwommen und paradox. Hinweis — Samantha Grob.

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